Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chinese Calligraphy Abstract

What do you see?


  1. Well this is great!
    Is it your fathers work?i wonder what the painter was thinking..his mood.what he wanted to show.

    whats the name of the painting?

    for me..i see a black panther running in the woods..a red kiss by red lips...a forest..warm..feelings..

    i think for me..fredom!someone that is very happy..but then again the tail of the panther turns in under his body which means he is running away from something?scared?

    wow..the more i look.the more i see.a crow too!
    and the lines of a female body ,you see her breast her shoulder her eyes and face islike its telling the wiers of their lives.what we actullally think in our inneself.

    soory my bad engish and nonsenes talking..but the painting is very nice!!

    Thank you.

    1. @estelleAnita Thanks for liking my dad's work....he would very happy to hear about how his paintings actually inspire your imagination to spread out..
      This is an abstract art work by my Dad on the early 80's, the title of the painting is CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY .
      This painting is meant to be anything that subject to the viewer who see from the paintings but the overall emotion and element would be freedom, powerful lines and more.
